For Conscious Parents, Coaches, Teachers and Educators

Activate superpowers in children 
with Butterfly Brain Learning

Challenging times require unique approaches. Discover unique methods to

  • to unlock the highest potential in children
  • develop self-confidence and balance feelings
  • accelerate learning and stimulate dream power and intuition


Enthousiastic participants in our events and trainings


Year experience in innovation in education


Schools where we implemented projects


Countries where we co-creat the Societies for the Future & Schools for the future project

Activate superpowers in children with the Butterfly Brain method 

In a world where burnout and depression are becoming increasingly common among children, parents, and teachers, it's time for a new, inspiring approach.

The number of children diagnosed with ADHD, autism, and dyslexia is rising, and many feel out of place. But what if learning could be effortless and playful? What if we could help children discover their inner strength?

Discover the magic of the Butterfly Brain Method
This method empowers both educators and children to activate their superpowers by connecting thinking and dreaming talents. You'll learn how to support a child naturally, even in challenging times.

Playful, intuitive, and effortless learning
With the Butterfly Brain learning materials, children learn to keep their whole brain active and open. They develop social-emotional and intuitive skills while acquiring knowledge in a playful, effortless way—without pressure or force.

From surviving to thriving
When children learn in flow, they grow into balanced, confident, and happy individuals who fully embrace their potential.

This training with apparently small assignments is a real gem. The online assignments and tasks that take you deeper into the matter step by step turn out to have a much deeper impact than I could ever have imagined.
I go from lesson to lesson at my own pace, which is marvellous, no pressure, no obligation.

Sabine Baeyens, Qigong Sensory Therapist for Autism - Make Children Better


When? You can watch the videos at your own pace.

Duration? About 50 minutes spread over 3 days


Completely free


Our current society and school system focuses only on the think talent.

Balance emotions and feelings

Discover how you can balance emotions and feelings through the rainbow talents in a very playful and light way. Feeling is fun!

Strengthen self confidence and intuition

Create a solid foundation for every child and adult with the rainbow talent training and build a powerful rainbow shield. This strengthens also the intuitive skills.

Stimulate creative expression

Discover how you can stimulate creative expression in children and develop methods that are completely tailored to your core talents. Learn how to integrate art expression into any learning environment.

 Develop dream power and activate your butterfly brain

Learn powerful tools to stimulate dream power and to activate the butterfly brain. This way the child can develop accelerated learning and intuitive skills.

The training has inspired me how to bring children into contact with their bodies. Going through the elements in a creative way balances the body and lets children feel contact with their body and their inner world again. In addition, it provides adults with insight into the child part of the adult. What prevents you from living your dream life.

Angelique Urbanus, You are Essential, Integrated Energy Therapist

Hi there,

My name is Briony and I am very passionate about innovation in education. I am a singer-songwriter, author of children's books and create innovative educational methods that integrate cognitive skills, artistic expression and personal development into contemporary fairy tales and songs.

I founded an innovative primary school in Belgium and was its director for about five years. During this period I studied various methods around butterfly brain learning and accelerated learning.

In addition, I have launched various initiatives over the past 12 years, including the fairy school, the fairy theater and the fairy festival. In these projects, children and adults are invited to connect with their core talents and dreams.

I am also passionate about entrepreneurship and I train entrepreneurs through the Quantum Shift method in expansion and quantum thinking . I am also co-founder of the Societies for the Future project in which we make a transition towards holistic education, working, living and entrepreneurship.

I am really looking forward to co-create a new way of education and learning.

Drs. Roy Martina

Drs. Roy Martina is co-author of the book, holistic doctor, serial international entrepreneur, quantum business coach, international speaker and author of 88 books.

Roy has 44 years of expertise in holistic medicine, stress management and success coaching. He has spent the past 10 years researching quantum laws and principles applied to business success, life and health. Roy has influenced millions of people in more than 45 countries worldwide through his workshops, books, remedies, audio programs, brain training and retreats.

In the book he goes into more detail about his own life story, how he developed techniques for accelerated learning such as sleep learning based on his own learning problems and what his vision is for the schools of the future.

He is together with Briony also co-founder for the Societies for the Future project.

A butterfly cannot fly with only one strong wing. By stimulating and using both think and dream talent, our brain and our 'being' can reach unprecedented heights.

Register here for the free online training.

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