Exclusive Live Event for Conscious Entrepreneurs

Wed 2 - Sun 6 March 2022


Upgrade - Redesign your business & self for the New Economy

In the beautiful Caribbean Island of Curacao

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You are holding yourself back of true success

What if what is holding you back to create the success you desire for your life and business is YOU?
Our research working with 100’s of entrepreneurs show that the hidden subconscious blocks are the reason most entrepreneurs have only a small percentage of the success they can have.

The biggest fear is the fear of the most powerful version of yourself.
These patterns have been created in our youth and limit us to break free of the chains of self-sabotage, creating struggle and the hard work that does not pay off.

Now is the time to break free!
Our entire world is in transition. If you don't start liberating yourself from these shackles and create from your pure creative flow, you will be overwhelmed by the chaos around and recreate a year of more of the same. 

However, when you step out of the past and step into your hidden creative power and align with the Quantum Field (your highest potential), you shift from forcing yourself to success to surf the waves of the New Economy. These waves bring you true freedom, fulfillment and happiness in your life and business. Imagine that instead of you chasing success, success chases you.

 Upgrade & redesign your business & self for the New Economy

Close your eyes and imagine freeing 5 days of your busy life to dedicate yourself to connect with your infinite quantum self (your biggest potential) and with the help of top experts redesign your business while also digging deep in transforming you self and have time to enjoy Nature, Dolphins, Sun and Sea and connect with the higher frequencies of the Quantum Field. 

Imagine that while you are learning to step into the infinite Quantum Flow of Abundance, you align with likeminded quantum entrepreneurs, and you learn to apply our proven Quantum Business Framework principles on your business.
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 The Quantum Law in Action

If you are not experiencing the flow of abundance, infinite opportunities in your life and business and you are struggling working hard to have some level of success that simply means one thing: you are disconnected from your true potential and the Quantum field. Scarcity even at a luxurious level is just a form of disconnect. Let us help you to reconnect and experience what flow really means.

 The Frequency of Freedom

Our current society is currently vibrating on an intense level of fear frequencies. If you also resonate with this frequency, you create more and more limitations for yourself. As a consequence, you will set more and more of your true self aside in order to chase success. This is the frequency of destruction, scarcity, and struggle.

However, there is a way out of the rabbit hole.
Tap into the Abundance frequency

By choosing to invest in yourself, you will learn how to redesign your business & yourself and align with your heart’s desires and your dream of origin.  We will show you how to tap into a completely new wave of frequencies: waves of freedom, abundance, creativity, and fulfillment. As a result, you will surf the waves of a new world in conception and a New Economy in harmony with nature and your true self.

Do you feel the calling?

Every entrepreneur has the unlimited potential to create the life and business of their dreams, and abundance. The reason it is not working the way you want it to work. Hard work is not the solution, it is about alignment with invisible frequencies of abundance and know how the quantum laws work.

but your potential is being limited by certain 'blocks'.

The 1st block: Uncertainty & unsafety: On subconscious levels most experience a feeling of insecurity on your physical & business level. The ongoing bombardment of negative information by the media creates a war-zone of unsafety and uncertainty, also in your customers.. The measures also create financial uncertainty about how you will survive as a business in the ever-changing regulations.
De 2e blokkad: De projectie van negatieve beelden: We are bombarded with images about a potential negative outcome of our future on the economic level, the environmental level … . These negative images create more fear, uncertainty and more contraction, causing you to lose connection with the quality of effortlessness and pleasure.
The 3rd block: fear of failure: As we were educated in a systems which enforces the feeling of fear of failure, we are currently strongly confronted with this fear. Old structures crumble and new initiatives arise. It takes courage and self-confidence to launch new initiatives in a society that is at a standstill or is going backwards in values, economy and safety.
The 4th block: doubt: Because of the changed environment, the loss of continuation of life as we know it, lockdowns, restrictions of freedom, we start doubting ourselves, our possibilities and have a hard time dealing with the changes that have come fast and repeatedly. Anytime we have hope that things go better, the next wave of measurements come and our hope vanishes quickly.
The 5th block: survival:  Because we are stuck in our creativity, we go into survival mode and believe by working harder we can get out of this mess. However, this creates incredibly high rates of burnout and depression among young and old. You are stepping then in the state of suffocation and disconnection from your dream of origin and creativity. 
The 6th block: the illusion of reality: If you disconnect from your heart and from your deeper dream of origin, you are an easy victim to the illusions created in the outside world. TV and media can make you believe anything if they repeat it long enough. Instead of stepping into your own dream and manifestation power, you let the outside world create your world.
The 7th block: I am on my own: All previous blocks eventually create a disconnection from the source, the infinite quantum field and universal support. This creates loneliness and separation. You are now disconnected from the quantum field of infinite possibilities and will not see the opportunities and synchronicities on your path and stay stuck in the narrow focus of what is possible.

However, there is a way out of the rabbit hole...
Start to move and play the freedom song.

Are you ready to break free?

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Quantum Business Reset

You will leave refreshed, full of new ideas and knowing we will continue to support you for the next 6 months to ensure your success.

The 5 Secret Success Ingredients nobody told you 
You are only 5 steps away from manifesting the business of your dreams and reconnect to abundance!

1 Reconnect to the Source of creation: You will transform your dream block and connect with your true dream of origin through the 7-Talent Quantum Dream program. Connection with your dream of origin is the condition to create a irresistable offer which brings you real freedom and fulfillment in your life and business. 
2 Heart Sales power: You will clarify through the Client Love Match plan how to apply the love language of sales and story branding in your business. You learn how to align with the field of your ideal clients for more impact and flow.

3 The Joy of being visible: You will transform your visibility block which prevents you on an unconscious level to grow and expand your business and be totally present and visible in your business. You learn to stand out instead of to fit in. 
4 Money is my friend: You will transform you money block on DNA level and learn to allow yourself to receive in abundance effortlessly. 

5 Guaranteed Growth Formula: You will learn to reset the current practical limitations of your business and design a scalable business strategy which creates more growth potential and freedom

Online Academy
Quantum Business Framework: Modules

You will join the Quantum Business Entrepreneur Program and will have access to the online modules during 6 months. During the 5-day live event and the monthly online masterclasses you can present your business case and receive personal feedback, coaching, tips and personal transformation. 

Quantum Trendwaver

Learn to innovate with Quantum Dreaming and discover your unlimited potential. Learn to quantum jump to the best possible future and learn from your future self, this is the most advanced quantum technique that can change your life in just a few sessions.

Delete mindbugs and pitfalls

Transform on seven levels your limiting beliefs and learn how to connect with your creative source. Learn how to eliminate self sabotage, fear of visibility, fear of success and fear to become the greatest version of yourself.

Money Magic Mind

Transform your beliefs about Money and create flow in giving and receiving. Discover how to align with the frequency of Abundance by applying simple QUANTUM laws and money will start chasing you instead of the other way around..

Unique Talent Proposition

Create an irrestible offer based on your unique & authentic talents which flows effortless.

You will learn how to resonate with the heart of your most ideal client, who is willing to invest in you. We will teach you the secrets of remote influencing and how to align your frequencies with those of your clients.

Resonate with your ecosystem

Integrate effortless marketing & branding & learn how to resonate with your tribe on a pure and authentic way. It is not only about marketing, it is about personal branding to attract the ideal clients effortlessly with the right messaging.

Scalable fulfillment process

Create your unique, simple and scalable sales process which creates more freedom and safety in your life.

Learn to leverage your assets and create multiple income streams.

Independent system

Redesign every aspect of your business as an indepent system which creates more freedom and fulfillment in a sustainable way.

Co-creation & networking

Enhance communication and win-win strategies.

Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and co-create a New Economy and society.

 Experiences of Quantum Entrepreneurs

Sandra De Milliano

The Quantum Entrepreneur Training gave me the courage to quit my previous business and to start with a brand new business. Surprisingly my new company had my best annual turnover ever in its first 4 months. And this is not the most important thing for me, the passion for my work, the scalability of my company and the freedom to work or take relax time gives me wings. 

Roseline Supply

I work as an organizational architect. As long as I worked in real estate, a real man's world where my ideas were never really picked up.
Recently the press has approached me several times about my innovative development projects and my turnover has doubled within two months. Now I know that every word and every thought counts.

Ruben Dewulf

The Quantum Entrepreneur Training has helped me to grow my business from yoga teacher and Lu Jong to a Soulpath wellbeing domain with bed & breakfast. In the beginning I was drowning in work and communication with my colleagues was very difficult, but now I have learned to scale my business completely and I was even able to stay in Greece for two months while Soulpath was peak season. This gives me a lot of freedom and fulfillment. 

Sabine Baeyens

I started the Quantum Business training as an autism and Qigong therapist. Due to the lock down, all my live sessions were stopped. Now I have created an online training and I also offer all my trainings online. That gives me a lot of freedom. I always dreaded the technical part, but during the training I became aware of the deeper reason and could use this transformer, I now even train therapists in Africa through my online training which has always been my big dream.

Swimming with dolphins

& Snorkelling in Coral Estate

Dolphins play an important role in many mythical stories throughout human history. Dolphins are masters of sound and create an intense quantum shift in humans through their sound frequencies. To dwell in the presence of dolphins and their sounds is an incredible gift and represents a tremendous acceleration in your evolution. They effortlessly connect you with purity, playfulness and intuition.

Dolphins have the ability to send and receive sonic frequencies of 180,00 cycles per second. That is 10 times faster than humans can perceive–human hearing ends at about 16,000 cycles per second. Dolphins have the ability to project multi-dimensional holographic images on their sounds. In a series of clicks, a dolphin can encode encyclopedic information upon sound.

The resort where we will experience Swimming with Dolphins gives their dolphins the freedom to swim in open sea. Nevertheless the dolphins always return to their resort to assist humanity in their transition.
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Welcome in Coral Estate Luxury Resort
You are right on the sandy beach looking at the endless ocean waves. 
Rif St. Marie is the most beautiful diving and snorkelling reef in all of Curaçao
At the end of the day it's time for a romantic Caribbean Sunset and enjoy your dinner at Rooftop bar Koraal.

Your Quantum Guides

Dr. Roy Martina

Roy Martina was born in the Caribbean Island of Curacao. He is a holistic doctor, serial international entrepreneur, quantum business coach, international speaker and author of 88 books.

Roy has 44 years of expertise in holistic medicine, stress management and success coaching. He has spent the past 10 years researching the Quantum laws and principles applied to business success, life and health. Roy has influenced millions of people worldwide in more than 45 countries through his workshops, books, Remedies, Audio programs, Brain trainings, Retreats and has sold over $250 million of his products.

He is an 8th degree blackbelt and world champion in the martial arts.

He helps top entrepreneurs, athletes, speakers and trainers overcome the obstacles in their lives by clearing the way in their subconscious mind.

Roy is a renowned coach in Europe, Russia, and China. He also has been a coach trainer for Shell, KLM, Fokker, Walmart, ABN-AMRO Bank, etc.  He has coached several Hollywood stars including Kate Beckinsale, Martin Sheen, Eva Cavalli (Cavalli fashion) Smokey Robinson, the family of Carlos Santana and has been asked by the Russian Government to coach the Olympic team (he refused as this would take him away from his mission). He has been employed by Russian and Chinese billionaires and many millionaires and has worked with the likes of Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Masaro Emoto, and many others.

My passion and expertise is the use of high frequencies from different unique sources combined magical incantations and intentions with incredible results often faster than I thought was possible.

Briony Vanden Bussche

Briony lives in the Caribbean Island of Trinidad & Tobago. She is a Singer-songwriter, Quantum Sound expert and visionary Business coach in one.  As international entrepreneur she specialises in finance and funding for humanitarian projects and innovation in education. 

She is an expert in business and educational innovation and trains entrepreneurs in business expansion and quantum thinking.

She founded an innovative primary school in Belgium and was several years director. She launched during the last 12 years various initiatives with events up to 3000 visitors in the field of education and business.

She created multiple innovative educational methods where cognitive skills, artistic expression and personal development are integrated in stories and fairy tales.

She creates music which awakens your Dream of Origin and connects you with hidden powers and the Quantum Field of infinite potential as the Quantum Song below does.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this offer for experienced entrepreneurs or starting entrepreneurs?

    For Both: This offer is for experienced entrepreneurs who want to create their business more aligned with the quantum field and want to create more fulfillment and freedom in their life and their business.

    This offer is also for starting entrepreneurs who want to design their business totally aligned with the Quantum field and want to create their dreams into reality. Also when your dream is not concrete yet, we guide you step by step to help your dream of origin, your life mission to emerge.

  • I want to join but it feels so exciting to invest?

    It always feel super exciting to start a new chapter in your life. This means that new talents in you are emerging. Imagine it as if you are going on an adventure. Adventure is new and exciting. And this means that new potentials in the Quantum field are emerging, you are transforming from an old self to a new Quantum self. Surrender to the flow. Let the wave take you into a new reality. This is an investment in you and in your dream. When you choose to go for your dreams then the reward is always multifold.

  • Is this training valuable for me if I already am an advanced coach?

    Yes you will work on your business and learn to scale and create more freedom.

  • Is lodging included

    Yes lodging is included from Wednesday till Sunday.

  • What's the best way to get to Curacao?

    You can fly to Curacao. Many direct flights from Europe are available. In Curacao there is a shuttle which brings you to the resort.

  • Do I have to take a test/vaccine to fly?

    Yes, you have to take a PCR test to fly. No, you don't need a vaccination to enter Curacao.

    We fly currently all over the world with no serious limitations.

  • Where can I find the current information to fly to Curacao?


  • I don't want to take a test.

    We can understand that. We need you now in Curacao. Always ask yourself: how do you want it and visualize that you can fly. The shift you will experience in your life and business by attending this event will be very worth the inconvenience of the test. 

  • Can't come to curacao?

    No problem you will receive the recoring online... and you will receive additional personal coaching see Ticket

Do you want to create more freedom, creativity and fulfillment in your life and business?

Do you have big plans for the future, but you don't know how realize them?

 Do you want to meet like-minded entrepreneurs who want to co-create a New Economy?

 Do you recognise this questions? Then you are ready
to make a Quantum Shift in your life, job and business.
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Quantum coaching

5-day Live event

with certification

You attend the live 5-day event in Curacao live or online and create strong connections and collaborate with attending quantum entrepreneurs during the event.

Online Academy

6 months access

In the online academy we guide you step by step to redesign your business for the New Economy. You can follow your own flow and rythm with the various modules, lessons and masterclasses.

6 Live Masterclasses

In the MONTHLY online masterclasses we deepen the application of the Quantum Business Framework on your life and business. We answer your personal questions and help you to recognise your unlimited potential.

Online Community

You will connect with a tribe of passionate and like-minded entrepreneurs who support you and inspire you in an online community. You can connect with other entrepreneurs to create your own master mind group.

1 Connect with Core Qualities
2 Create Your Future
3 Co-create a New Economy

Quantum Entrepreneur Experiences

Eefje Fehres

I started the Quantum Shift training with a webshop that didn’t really run yet. During the Quantum Shift training I set up a new business around Tiny houses which is booming exponentially. I am so passionate about helping people with limited resources to rent or buy their own ‘Tiny house’ home.

Danielle Blessing

I coach mothers with burnout to make contact with their passion and intuition. Thanks to the Quantum Shift method 
I have increased my income fivefold and am expanding internationally.

Sven Meijer

I am active in real estate. During the Quantum shift training I developed my big dream to create orphanages in Africa. I created more income and more time to realize this project. With the power of intention miracles are happening every moment again. 
Quantum Shift your Business in 3 steps

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Access to the Quantum Business Academy with online Q&A masterclasses and multiple brain trainings included
Connect with a community of likeminded and inspirational entrepreneurs and find support for transforming your life, job and business
Live online masterclasses with personal coaching: During the online masterclass you receive personal coaching and feedback. You can watch the recording of the masterclass if you cannot attend live.
Mastermind groups and Quantum Entrepreneur Buddy: If wanted you can receive support from other Quantum Entrepreneurs in a mastermind group and get your personal Q-Buddy who holds you accountable for your next steps. 
Closed online community: share your challenges, questions and celebrations in the Online Community and meet other Quantum Entrepreneurs
Experienced or not Experienced? Both: Starting entrepreneurs learn to build their business from scratch. Experienced entrepreneurs learn to redesign their business for more freedom, fulfillment and impact.

Quantum Flow LIVE Ticket
in Curacao
- Accelerator -

 Join us in Curacao and enjoy the presence of our Energy field.

(Order today if you want to be live in Curacao)

5 full days of the Retreat: Wed 2 till Sun 6 March 2022.
Lodging, light snacks & drinks included.

Snorkelling in Rif St. Marie included.

Swimming with dolphins included

Quantum Business Online Academy Included

6 live Masterclasses with cases of participants (monthly)


with Scalable Business Training and Money DNA training

€2 970 euro 

Price excl. 21% VAT
Book Now - EU Book Now - Non EU company

Quantum Flow online Ticket

 The Quantum Flow Online Ticket gives you access to the full Retreat online. 
You will have access to the recordings of the 5-day training for 1 month.

You can do it in your own pace.
You stay relaxed at home (no travel required)

You will receive extra personal coaching after the retreat.

Quantum Business Online Academy Included

6 live Masterclasses with cases of participants (monthly)


with Scalable Business Training and Money DNA training

€2 970

Price excl. 21% VAT
Book Now - EU Book Now - Non EU company

Travel Support

After registration you will be connected to a heartwarming travel agent who will assist you with all your practical questions about your journey to and stay in Curacao.  

You can also combine the retreat with the Carnaval weekend in Curacao (last weekend of February.

Do you still have questions?

More freedom, creativity and fulfillment while scaling up
your business

with the Quantum Business Training

Book now

Your Future is Now

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