More freedom, creativity and fulfillment while scaling up your business
with the Business for the Future Training
Online Academy
In the online academy we guide you step by step to redesign your business for the New Economy. You can follow your own flow and rythm with the various modules, lessons and masterclasses.
Live Masterclasses
In the online masterclasses we deepen the application of the Quantum Business Framework on your life and business. We answer your personal questions and help you to recognise your unlimited potential.
Delete mindbugs and pitfalls
Transform your limiting beliefs and learn how to connect with your creative source.
Resonate with your ecosystem
Integrate effortless marketing & branding & learn how to resonate with your tribe on a pure and authentic way.
Scalable fulfillment process
Create your unique, simple and scalable sales process which creates more freedom and safety in your life.
Learn to leverage your assets and create multiple income streams.
Independent system
Redesign every aspect of your business as an indepent system which creates more freedom and fulfillment in a sustainable way.
Briony is an expert in business and education innovation, passionate about developing new ways to build society or micro-societies.
In addition, she coaches entrepreneurs and pioneers in the field of innovative leadership and creative entrepreneurship together with Roy Martina and Stacey Seedorf. She is also a singer-songwriter and a children's book author who creates innovative educational methods that integrate cognitive skills, artistic expression and personal development into contemporary stories and fairy tales.
She founded an innovative primary school in Belgium and was several years director. She launched during the last 12 years various initiatives with events up to 3000 visitors in the field of education and business.
She is currently co-creating with Roy the concept of Butterfly Brain training as an innovative school concept for the Societies for the Future.
Roy Martina is a holistic doctor, serial international entrepreneur, quantum business coach, international speaker and author of 88 books.
Roy has 44 years of expertise in holistic medicine, stress management and success coaching. He has spent the past 10 years researching the Quantum laws and principles applied to business success, life and health. Roy has influenced millions of people worldwide in more than 45 countries through his workshops, books, Remedies, Audio programs, Brain trainings, Retreats and has sold over $250 million of his products.
He is an 8th degree blackbelt and world champion in the martial arts.
He helps top entrepreneurs, athletes, speakers and trainers overcome the obstacles in their lives by clearing the way in their subconscious mind.
Roy is a renowned coach in Europe, Russia, and China. He also has been a coach trainer for Shell, KLM, Fokker, Walmart, ABN-AMRO Bank, etc. He has coached several Hollywood stars including Kate Beckinsale, Martin Sheen, Eva Cavalli (Cavalli fashion) Smokey Robinson, the family of Carlos Santana and has been asked by the Russian Government to coach the Olympic team (he refused as this would take him away from his mission). He has been employed by Russian and Chinese billionaires and many millionaires and has worked with the likes of Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Masaro Emoto, and many others.
My passion and expertise is the use of high frequencies from different unique sources combined magical
incantations and intentions with incredible results often faster than I thought was possible.