Exclusive Live Event for Pioneers and Conscious Entrepreneurs

Quantum Future

Become part of the New Micro-societies & communities

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Where would you like to live in the near future if you really could choose?

Who do you want to collaborate and live with?

Which experts & like-minded pioneers do you want to gather around you within a community?

How do you want to organize your life as self-sufficient living (in food, water and energy) becomes increasingly important?

How do you want to organize education for children, knowing that this determines the future of society?

In which environment do you want to be if you experience health problems and by whom do you want to be treated?

How do you want to process waste, to limit plastic waste in the oceans and improve soil quality?

 Co-create the Micro-societies of the Future 

Close your eyes and imagine freeing a day to dedicate yourself to connect with your infinite quantum self (your biggest potential) and with the help of top experts redesigning society and truly building a new world. 

Imagine that while you are learning to step into the infinite Quantum Flow of Abundance, you align with likeminded quantum entrepreneurs, and you  lay the foundation for a new way of living and working.

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 The Micro-society expert team

An international team of experts and entrepreneurs has been working intensively over the past 24 months to develop a sustainable model for living and working that can function independently.
A model based on the quantum principles of infinite possibilities, flow and abundance where the latest technologies for sustainable living, a sustainable economic model and a hypermodern in collaboration with an age-old holistic approach to health and quantum education are integrated.
During this event, we take the next step to realize this model. And you are an important key in that.

 The Frequency of Freedom

The collective morpho-genetic field of our current society is currently vibrating on an intense level of fear frequencies. If you also resonate with this frequency, you create more and more limitations for yourself. As a consequence, you will set more and more of your true self aside. This is the frequency of destruction, scarcity, and struggle.

However, there is a way out of the rabbit hole.
Tap into the Abundance frequency

By choosing to connect with like-minded pioneers and co-create the new micro-societies and communities of the future, you will tap into a completely new wave of frequencies: waves of freedom, abundance, creativity, and fulfillment. As a result, you will surf the waves of a new world in conception and a New Economy in harmony with nature and your true self.

Do you feel the calling?

Every entrepreneur has the unlimited potential to create the life and society of their dreams, and abundance. The reason it is not working the way you want it to work. Our society is based on hard work and submission.
It's about co-creation with like-minded people, about alignment with invisible frequencies of abundance and know how the quantum laws work.

but your potential is being limited by certain 'blocks'.

The 1st block: Uncertainty & unsafety: On subconscious levels most experience a feeling of insecurity on your physical & business level. The ongoing bombardment of negative information by the media creates a war-zone of unsafety and uncertainty, also in your customers.. The measures also create financial uncertainty about how you will survive as a business in the ever-changing regulations.
The 2nd block: The projection of negative images: We are bombarded with images about a potential negative outcome of our future on the economic level, the environmental level … . These negative images create more fear, uncertainty and more contraction, causing you to lose connection with the quality of effortlessness and pleasure.
The 3rd block: fear of failure: As we were educated in a systems which enforces the feeling of fear of failure, we are currently strongly confronted with this fear. Old structures crumble and new initiatives arise. It takes courage and self-confidence to launch new initiatives in a society that is at a standstill or is going backwards in values, economy and safety.
The 4th block: doubt: Because of the changed environment, the loss of continuation of life as we know it, lockdowns, restrictions of freedom, we start doubting ourselves, our possibilities and have a hard time dealing with the changes that have come fast and repeatedly. Anytime we have hope that things go better, the next wave of measurements come and our hope vanishes quickly.
The 5th block: survival:  Because we are stuck in our creativity, we go into survival mode and believe by working harder we can get out of this mess. However, this creates incredibly high rates of burnout and depression among young and old. You are stepping then in the state of suffocation and disconnection from your dream of origin and creativity. 
The 6th block: the illusion of reality: If you disconnect from your heart and from your deeper dream of origin, you are an easy victim to the illusions created in the outside world. TV and media can make you believe anything if they repeat it long enough. Instead of stepping into your own dream and manifestation power, you let the outside world create your world.
The 5th block: survival:  Because we are stuck in our creativity, we go into survival mode and believe by working harder we can get out of this mess. However, this creates incredibly high rates of burnout and depression among young and old. You are stepping then in the state of suffocation and disconnection from your dream of origin and creativity. 
The 6th block: the illusion of reality: If you disconnect from your heart and from your deeper dream of origin, you are an easy victim to the illusions created in the outside world. TV and media can make you believe anything if they repeat it long enough. Instead of stepping into your own dream and manifestation power, you let the outside world create your world.
The 7th block: I am on my own: All previous blocks eventually create a disconnection from the source, the infinite quantum field and universal support. This creates loneliness and separation. You are now disconnected from the quantum field of infinite possibilities and will not see the opportunities and synchronicities on your path and stay stuck in the narrow focus of what is possible.

However, there is a way out of the rabbit hole...
Click on the video and start moving on the Freedom song. 

Are you ready to break free?

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a new way of living, healing,
connecting and education, caring and sharing

Micro-societies are new, self-sufficient eco-villages in which the most recent innovative technologies are anchored at the level of energy, agriculture, housing, architecture, health, education, society...
Holistic education is the heart and driving force behind the development of these micro-societies.
A micro-society consists of:

 The international Micro-society expert team

 Your Quantum Guides

Dr. Roy Martina, MD, Quantum Mystic

Roy Martina was born in the Caribbean Island of Curacao. He is a holistic doctor, serial international entrepreneur, quantum business coach, international speaker and author of 88 books.

Roy has 44 years of expertise in holistic medicine, stress management and success coaching. He has spent the past 10 years researching the Quantum laws and principles applied to business success, life and health. Roy has influenced millions of people worldwide in more than 45 countries through his workshops, books, Remedies, Audio programs, Brain trainings, Retreats and has sold over $250 million of his products.

He is an 8th degree blackbelt and world champion in the martial arts.

Together with his wife Joy, he is the founder of Quantum Connection Hypnosis and Quantum Timeline Jumping, two revolutionary methods that exponentially accelerate the awakening process. They are also the visionaries behind the new Quantum Life App, the only App that enables Quantum Dreaming on an App.

Roy is a renowned coach in Europe, Russia and China. He has also been a coach trainer for Shell, KLM, Fokker, Walmart, ABN-AMRO Bank, etc. He has coached several Hollywood stars including Kate Beckinsale, Martin Sheen, Eva Cavalli (Cavalli fashion) Smokey Robinson, the family from Carlos Santana and has been asked by the Russian government to coach the Olympic team (he declined as it would take him away from his mission). He has also mentored and advised countless Russian and Chinese billionaires and many millionaires and has worked with the likes of Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Masaro Emoto and many others.

Briony Vanden Bussche, Quantum Dreamer & Quantum Visionary

Briony lives between the Caribbean and Canada. She is a singer-songwriter, Quantum Sound expert and visionary Business Coach. As an international entrepreneur, she specializes in financing and funding humanitarian projects and educational innovation and is the founder and co-creator of the Micro-society project.

She is an expert in business and educational innovation and trains entrepreneurs in business expansion and quantum thinking.

She founded an innovative primary school in Belgium and was several years director. She launched during the last 12 years various initiatives with events up to 3000 visitors in the field of education and business.

She created multiple innovative educational methods where cognitive skills, artistic expression and personal development are integrated in stories and fairy tales.

She creates music which awakens your Dream of Origin and connects you with hidden powers and the Quantum Field of infinite potential as the Quantum Song below does.

For who?

Do you want to create more freedom, creativity and fulfillment in a new way of living?

Do you have big plans for the future, but you don't know how realize them?

 Do you want to meet like-minded pioneers and entrepreneurs who want to co-create the new Micro-societies?

 Do you recognise those questions? Then you are ready to make a Quantum Shift in your life.
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 Quantum Shift your life in 3 steps

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ONLINE Replay Ticket
Quantum Future

Bonus: online Quantum Trendwaver training with a value of 297 euro.

Value: €597 euro 

Price: €149

Prijs excl. 21% VAT
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Do you still have questions? 

Your Future is Now

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