More freedom, creativity and fulfillment in education and parenting

with the Rainbow Talent Coach Training

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Are you ready to take off?

Do you want to experience more freedom, creativity and fulfillment in your life and in that of the children you coach?

Do you want to connect with your core talents and dream of origin and bring innovation in education and parenting?

Do you want to meet like-minded pioneers and co-create new approaches for education and parenting?

Do you recognize these questions? Then you are ready to make a talent jump in your life.
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Rainbow talent coach training

Online Academy

In the online academy we guide you step by step to connect with your core talents and to give them concrete shape in your life.

You can follow your own flow and rhythm with the different modules, lessons and masterclasses.

Live masterclasses

In the online masterclasses we deepen the application of the Rainbow Talent Method to your life and practice/home/classroom. We answer your personal questions and you inspire other talent colleagues.

Online Community

 You connect with a tribe of passionate and like-minded colleagues who support and inspire you in an online community.

You can also set up your own mastermind group with other talent coaches from the group.

1 Connect with your core talents
 2 Create a future
 3 Co-create a New World

Experiences of participants

I dare to show myself, dare to follow my desires and dreams, even if I don't know exactly what it looks like yet. I learned that the power lies in taking steps, big or small... It has given me more confidence to play, to discover, to wonder.
I experience a big change in the things I make, in the contact with children and in my enjoyment of life.

I experience depth in working with children and have so much inspiration to integrate new elements in my lessons.

I have more and more wonderful encounters and I dare to show my creativity more and more. I am becoming more and more aware of what my role is or could be for the future.

I can connect more and more with nature. I have become more and more aware of my inner child in myself and in others and I have started drawing again.

I really enjoyed this module, the child in me was awakened again in a very gentle way, full of wonder.

Rainbow talent training

Balance emotions and feelings

Discover how you can balance emotions and feelings through the rainbow talents in a very playful and light way. Feeling is fun!

Strengthen confidence and intuition

Create a solid foundation for every child and adult through the talent training in which you build a powerful rainbow shield from inner strength and boost intuitive skills.

Stimulate creative expression

Discover how to stimulate creative expression in children and develop methods that are completely attuned to your core talents. Learn how to integrate art expression into any learning environment.

Develop dream and decisiveness

Children are often still connected to their dream of origin. We learn to recognize and stimulate this dream power so that they remain connected and at the same time know the tools to give concrete shape to this dream.

Modules Online Training

Conscious communicating

You will learn the basic principles to consciously communicate with yourself and with the children you coach. You reconnect your inner child that is still completely connected to its dream of origin.

The talent bubble

You experience the different life stages in the growth process from child to adult and which elements are essential to recognize our own unique 'color'.

Earth talent

Develop firmness, safety and self-confidence with the rainbow talent earth in yourself and in the children you coach through numerous creative tools, music, movement and exercises.

Water talent

Develop flexibility, joy, softness, emotional intelligence and the power of vulnerability with the rainbow talent water in yourself and in the children who guide you through numerous creative tools, music, movement and exercises.

Fire talent

Develop entrepreneurial spirit, decisiveness, passion and balanced leadership with the rainbow talent fire in yourself and in the children you coach through numerous creative tools, music, movement and exercises.

Air - and breathing talent

Develop non-violent communication based on needs, the power of collaboration and the magic of breathing and mirroring in yourself and with the children you coach through numerous creative tools, music, movement and exercises.

Your Talent Guide

Briony Vanden Bussche

My name is Briony and I am super passionate about educational innovation. I am a singer-songwriter, author of children's books and create innovative educational methods integrating cognitive skills, artistic expression and personal development into contemporary fairy tales and songs.

I founded an innovative primary school in Belgium and was its director for about five years. In addition, I have launched various initiatives over the past 12 years, including the school of elves, the fairy theater and the fairy festival. In these projects, children and adults are invited to connect with their core talents and dreams. I am also passionate about entrepreneurship and I train entrepreneurs through the Quantum Shift method in expansion and quantum thinking.

I am really looking forward to getting started with your dreams and co-creating a new way of educating and parenting. 
Your talent jump in 3 steps

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Rainbow Talents
- Earth -
- Water-
- Fire -
- Air -

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Your Future is Now

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