Co-create The Future

Saterday 30th of Sept and Sunday 1st of Oct 2023
Tiel, Netherlands
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 Business for the Future event Sat 30th of Sept >>>More info...
Educate The Future & de Nieuwe Scholen Sun 1st of oct >>>More info...
Co-create the Societies for the Future Sun 1st of oct >>>More info...


Exclusive Life Event for Conscious Entrepreneurs

Business for the Future event on sat 30th of Sept

The world is in transition. What used to work often doesn't work anymore.

This requires you to upgrade to a new version of yourself. A new version that can adapt to the infinite possibilities of the field. A pioneer who can empathize with what the future needs and can flawlessly redesign his business and life around it. An entrepreneur who is connected to his life's mission and who also knows how to translate this very concretely into the possibilities in the moment. A leader who shows the way to a life with more freedom, fulfillment and impact.

Make a transition from 3D to 5D entrepreneurship with us

And learn to practically translate Quantum thinking and apply it to your business and life

What else can you expect?

  • hot seat where you can share your business case and receive personal coaching and feedback
  • Reconnect with your soul mission and create an irresistible offer
  • Activate your Heart Sales Power: Learn to apply the love language of sales and story branding
  • The joy of being visible: You transform your visibility block that unconsciously prevents you from growing and expanding your business
  • Money is my friend: You transform your money block and learn to receive in abundance effortlessly.
  • Guaranteed Growth Formula: You will learn to reset your company's current practical limitations and design a scalable business strategy that creates more growth potential and freedom.

Your guides during the Business for the Future event: Briony Vanden Bussche and Roy Martina

Our Dream 
for The Future

Humanity longs for renewal: New ways of living together, living, working, education, health, construction, energy, waste processing .... However, you can only build a new balanced way of living together if you also have an intense attunement with your inner world and the Quantum Field.
Without a revolution in thought, behavior and deeds, we will remain in societies disconnected from the connection to Mother Earth.

Are you joining the Society for the Future movement?

Exclusive Life Event for pioneers

Societies for the Future
 Co-creation & Network event
on sunday 1 oct

Humanity longs for renewal: New ways of living together, working, education, health, construction, energy, waste processing .... However, you can only build a new balanced way of living together if you also have an intense attunement with your inner world and the Quantum Field. Without a revolution in thought, behavior and deeds, we will remain in societies disconnected from the connection to Mother Earth.

Together with a large group of pioneers within the Society for the Future Network, we are co-creating a new way of living and working together worldwide. Are you co-creating with us?

What can you expect?

Educate the Future

Sun 1 Oct from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m Amterdam time

The roots of our society is our education system, where children's imaginations are formed and directed. So it is essential that the new schools are the Heart of the New societies we want to create. During this session we take time to give an overview of new techniques that can be used in the new schools (and in homeschooling) (including dream learning).

Co-create the Future Network event
Sun 1 Oct from 1.30 pm to 5 pm

In the afternoon you can participate in various co-creation circles that are guided by experts in the field of housing, energy, education, business, agriculture... in the Society for the Future network.

You connect with like-minded pioneers and co-create.

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Are you ready to make a  Quantum Shift?

Do you want more freedom, fulfillment and impact in your life life, project or business?

Do you have big plans for the future but you don't know how to realise them?

Do you want to meet like-minded pioneers and co-create the New World?

Do you recognise these questions? Then you are ready to make a Quantum Shif in your life, job and business.
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Are you ready to break free?

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Experiences of Quantum Entrepreneurs

Sandra De Milliano

The Quantum Entrepreneur Training gave me the courage to quit my previous business and to start with a brand new business. Surprisingly my new company had my best annual turnover ever in its first 4 months. And this is not the most important thing for me, the passion for my work, the scalability of my company and the freedom to work or take relax time gives me wings. Now I am also a core employee and co-founder of the Micro-Society Network and am developing a Micro-Society in Costa-Rica. 

Roseline Supply

I work as an organizational architect. As long as I worked in real estate, a real man's world where my ideas were never really picked up.
Recently the press has approached me several times about my innovative development projects and my turnover has doubled within two months. Now I know that every word and every thought counts.
I am also a partner of the Micro-Society Network.

Ruben Dewulf

The Quantum Entrepreneur Training has helped me to grow my business from yoga teacher and Lu Jong to a Soulpath wellbeing domain with bed & breakfast. In the beginning I was drowning in work and communication with my colleagues was very difficult, but now I've learned to scale my business and I'm also co-creating the fairy festival with Briony that takes place on my domain. This gives me a lot of fulfillment.

Sabine Baeyens

I started the Quantum Business training as an autism and Qigong therapist. Due to the lock down, all my live sessions were stopped. Now I have created an online training and I also offer all my trainings online. That gives me a lot of freedom. I always dreaded the technical part, but during the training I became aware of the deeper reason and could use this transformer, I now even train therapists in Africa which has always been my big dream.

Your Quantum Guides

Briony Vanden Bussche

Briony is an expert in business and education innovation, passionate about developing new ways to build society or micro-societies. 

In addition, she coaches entrepreneurs and pioneers in the field of innovative leadership and creative entrepreneurship together with Roy Martina and Stacey Seedorf. She is also a singer-songwriter and a children's book author who creates innovative educational methods that integrate cognitive skills, artistic expression and personal development into contemporary stories and fairy tales.

She founded an innovative primary school in Belgium and was several years director. She launched during the last 12 years various initiatives with events up to 3000 visitors in the field of education and business.

She is currently co-creating with Roy the concept of the Quantum school and dream learning as an innovative school concept for the Societies for the Future.

Roy Martina

Roy Martina is a holistic doctor, serial international entrepreneur, quantum business coach, international speaker and author of 88 books.

Roy has 44 years of expertise in holistic medicine, stress management and success coaching. He has spent the past 10 years researching the Quantum laws and principles applied to business success, life and health. Roy has influenced millions of people worldwide in more than 45 countries through his workshops, books, Remedies, Audio programs, Brain trainings, Retreats and has sold over $250 million of his products.

He is an 8th  degree blackbelt and world champion in the martial arts.

He helps top entrepreneurs, athletes, speakers and trainers overcome the obstacles in their lives by clearing the way in their subconscious mind.

Roy is a renowned coach in Europe, Russia, and China. He also has been a coach trainer for Shell, KLM, Fokker, Walmart, ABN-AMRO Bank, etc. He has coached several Hollywood stars including Kate Beckinsale, Martin Sheen, Eva Cavalli (Cavalli fashion) Smokey Robinson, the family of Carlos Santana and has been asked by the Russian Government to coach the Olympic team (he refused as this would take him away from his mission). He has been employed by Russian and Chinese billionaires and many millionaires and has worked with the likes of Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Masaro Emoto, and many others.

My passion and expertise is the use of high frequencies from different unique sources combined magical incantations and intentions with incredible results often faster than I thought was possible.

Quantum Shift your Business in 3 steps

Book now
 Learn to apply Quantum thinking to your life, job or business and experience more freedom, fulfillment and impact.
Connect with a community of likeminded and inspirational pioneers and entrepreneurs and find support for transforming your life, job and business

Co-create The Future

Sat 30 Sept & Sun 1 0ct 2023
10-17u/10 till 5pm Amsterdam Time
Live Training in Tiel, Netherlands


Business for the Future event
Sat 30 sept (10-17u)

Education for the Future Sun 1st Oct (10-12u)

Societies for the Future Co-creation event

Sun 1st Oct (13-17u/1 till 5pm)

Value Ticket €700

Early-bird package (2 days)
€297 euro 

Prijs excl. 21% VAT
excl lunch
Book now package

Business for the Future (sat 30 Sept)
€247 euro 

Prijs excl. 21% BTW
excl lunch
Book now day 1

Societies for the Future (sun 1 Oct)
€147 euro 

Education for the Future
Plus Co-creation Society for the Future Event

Prijs excl. 21% VAT
excl lunch
Book now day 2


Co-create The Future

Online training

Sat 30 Sept & Sun 1 0ct 2023
10-17u/10 till 5pm Amsterdam Time

10-17u, 10 till 5pm Amsterdam time


Business for the Future event
Sat 30 sept (10-17u)

Education for the Future Sun 1st Oct (10-12u)

Societies for the Future Co-creation event

Sun 1st Oct (13-17u/1 till 5pm)

Replay available

Value Ticket €700
€197 euro 

Prijs excl. 21% VAT

Book now ONLINE package

Business for the Future (sat 30 Sept)
€147 euro 

Prijs excl. 21% VAT

Book now ONLINE day 1

Societies for the Future (sun 1 Oct)
€97 euro 

Education for the Future
Plus Co-creation Society for the Future Event

Prijs excl. 21% VAT
Book now ONLINE day 2
Do you still have questions? 
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