Free 3-day Online Training for Conscious Entrepreneurs

  • Voel jij dat het tijd is om meer vrijheid te creëren in je leven en business?
  • Wil je meer impact maken en tegelijk vervulling ervaren?
  • Wil jij leren Quantumdenken (geïnspireerd op de nieuwste ontdekkingen in de quantum fysika) om meer mogelijkheden te zien en je doelen versneld te realiseren?
Schrijf je in voor deze online training.
Wanneer? Te volgen wanneer het jou past
Tijdsbesteding: 120 min verspreid over 3 dagen
with Roy Martina
and Briony Vanden Bussche

Power to entrepreneurs 
COVID-19 Boost (Expansion)
If the COVID-19 has impacted your business positively then that is great. The 3 keys may open your mind even more to see new opportunities, to leverage what you gained into exponential growth. 
COVID-19 Bust (Contraction)
If the COVID-19 has impacted your business negatively then now is a good time to reflect what you need to change in your businessmodel.  The 3 keys will open your mind to see and create new opportunities, to look at creating new sources of income that will be crisis proof. 
Time for a New Economy
It is clear that how it was will never return. The world will need time to recover from the shock created by the pandemic, lives have been lost, the business environment has changed. The impact of the fear and the loss of many businesses may linger on for a while and impact how people spend their money. Some of your customers may have been lost forever. 
Co-create a New economy
We need to co-create a new economy, a new foundation for living and working. And this lies in the hands of entrepreneurs. We need to rethink ourselves and our Business models.
Power Quantum Principles
Are you an entrepreneur who wants to redesign your business and align your business and your life with the Power Quantum Principles then join this webinar. 
Success and fulfillment
You will create a solid foundation for success and fulfillment in the new world which is emerging. 

Your Quantum Shift guides

Dr. Roy Martina

Roy Martina is a holistic doctor, serial international entrepreneur, business coach, international speaker and author of 85 books.
Roy has 40 years of expertise in holistic medicine, stress and coaching. 
He has spent the past 9 years researching the Quantum laws and principles applied to business success and health.
He helps top entrepreneurs, athletes, speakers and trainers overcome the obstacles in their lives by clearing the way in their subconscious mind. During "Quantum Shift in Business" he gives some directly applicable tips from his most recent book "Expert tips for ultimate habits to unstoppable success" and guides you in the development of a cast-iron success identity that brings the impossible within your reach.

Briony Vanden Bussche

Briony is a visionary, international entrepreneur, trainer and creator of the Quantum Shift method. She is an expert in business and educational innovation and trains entrepreneurs in business expansion and quantum thinking. She founded an innovative primary school in Belgium and was several years director. She launched during the last 12 years various initiatives with events up to 3000 visitors in the field of education and business. She is singer-songwriter, author of 'Unlimited Growth of your company' and multiple children books. She created multiple innovative educational methods where cognitive skills, artistic expression and personal development are integrated in stories and fairy tales.

Redesign your business and co-create a new world

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